Cpanforum Learn to be a programmer Mon, 04 Mar 2024 10:02:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Cpanforum 32 32 How does a Junior Frontend Developer interview work? Fri, 01 Mar 2024 15:00:42 +0000 My name is Maxim Chechenev, I have been a front-end developer for almost nine years. I work at MessageBird in Amsterdam and as a mentor in the “Web Developer” course at Yandex.Practice. I also run a telegram channel “Senior Developer”. Before I became a senior and started interviewing candidates, I went through dozens of my […]

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My name is Maxim Chechenev, I have been a front-end developer for almost nine years. I work at MessageBird in Amsterdam and as a mentor in the “Web Developer” course at Yandex.Practice. I also run a telegram channel “Senior Developer”.

Before I became a senior and started interviewing candidates, I went through dozens of my own interviews. In this article, I will tell you what a Junior Front-End Developer interview usually consists of and give some tips for preparing.

What does an interview consist of?

The initial stages of a front-end developer interview are not much different from any other.

Typically the interview can be broken down into three parts:

  • acquaintance,
  • technical questions and/or assignment,
  • your questions.


The best part. Here you talk about yourself, and the interviewers talk about the company, product, position and job responsibilities. At this stage there are no puzzles or correct answers – the conversation will be about your experience, education, hobbies.

Although there are no correct answers to this part, you still need to prepare for it. This stage is as important as the technical part. This is where your soft skills are tested, and sometimes you may be denied a job, even if you have shown yourself brilliantly on the technical side.

A story about yourself

Imagine you came for an interview at the company you dreamed of. The recruiter offered you a cup of coffee, asked how you got there, and then asked you to tell us a little about yourself. Such a simple question took you by surprise: “Where to start, should I tell about my education, hobby, or is only my experience important to the recruiter?”

There is no right answer or clear pattern here. But there are a few tips to pay attention to.

Prepare a short story about yourself.

Answer in such a way that it is not a long, complicated story, but also not: “My name is Maxim, I studied to be a programmer.” I advise you to practice the story on friends, family or a cat in advance.

Tell us what you learned.

If the training was non-core, explain how you got into development.

Invest time in development experience.

If you are a completely new developer, no worries. In this case, you can talk about educational projects.

Touch on the topic of your core hobby.

Describe a project you work on in your free time. Even if it seems to you that the project is simple, it is worth telling about it. This will show your interest in the development. A simple project that does not solve grandiose problems is much better than an empty Github profile.

After this, the recruiter may ask a few typical questions. I also advise you to prepare answers to them so as not to get confused.

“Why do you want to work with us?”

How not to answer: “Because you are a big company with many interesting tasks.”

Which answer do you like? Get to know the product and company better, find out what you like and what you don’t. Talk about this at the interview.

Be honest, but don’t be impudent. I recently interviewed a candidate from Brazil who, when asked: “Why do you want to work for us?” replied: “They pay more in Europe than in Brazil.” Even though this is the most honest answer possible, it shows that he doesn’t care where he works or what he does.

“Why are you interested in the frontend?”

I personally like to ask this question: “Why are you interested in the frontend? Why not the backend, for example?” — it perfectly shows the candidate’s interest and passion.

How not to answer: “Yes, I just tried it, it seems interesting.”

Which answer would you like: “I like creating user-friendly interfaces” or “I like design and programming, and front-end is just what I need.”

“Will we work together?”

Companies pay attention to different qualities of a candidate. Some care about your ability to work in a team, others care about your desire to learn, and others care about everything at once. But usually companies are looking for a person who will be on the same wavelength with the team. To understand this, I ask clarifying questions:

  • What are your hobbies?
  • What do you expect from working with us?
  • What would you like to improve in yourself?
  • What achievements are you proud of?

When answering the last question, you can talk not only about your achievements in programming, but also about the fact that you have learned a new language or are a master at skiing. In general, you probably have reasons to be proud.

Such questions help to get to know you better: what do you dream about and what are you interested in. They may seem a little personal to you, that’s okay. But by answering these questions honestly, you will feel the tension clearing up, and now you are ready for the next stage – the technical interview.

Technical interview

The technical part is different in each company. Unfortunately, there is no universal set of questions that everyone uses. But usually this stage consists of questions to understand basic terms, ideas about the frontend and small tasks. Someone may give a small task, and someone will ask for commsenter pieces of code.

First of all, carefully study the vacancy and the required technologies that are indicated in it. If React is specified, be prepared for questions about this library. If it says “We use Vue,” then React is no longer needed.

Theoretical issues

The block with theoretical questions can be divided into two: questions about knowledge of the basics of JS, CSS and other tools, and questions about how you are used to working with code.

Instrument Knowledge Questions

To prepare for the first block, it’s a good idea to brush up on some basic JavaScript theory, for example:

  • How does inheritance work?
  • What is closure and why is it needed?
  • How to search for elements in the DOM tree?
  • How does Event loop work?
  • What is this object?
  • What are data types and how do you compare them? What is the difference between == and ===? What are null and undefined?
  • How do the .filter, .map, .reduce methods work and why are they needed?
  • What is a Promise, why is async/await needed?

There are usually fewer questions about HTML and CSS. You may be asked: “Which selector is stronger – by ID or by class?” or “How do I center an element?”

Be prepared for clarifying questions, so don’t say anything you’re not sure about or something you only know superficially. Go through the theory of those points that seem least clear.

When I interview candidates, I like to ask questions about their understanding of technology:

  • Why do you need React? Why can’t we do without it?
  • I expect to hear what problems React solves, what Virtual DOM is, and how to save time and effort when writing an application.
  • Why are different methodologies and approaches needed when working with CSS?
  • It doesn’t matter to me whether the candidate likes BEM, CSS Modules or css-in-js. It is important to me that the developer understands what problems they are solving.
  • More than a thousand positions are displayed on the page, and the page begins to slow down. What’s the best way to fix this?

It would be great if the candidate talks, for example, about lazy loading or pagination.

I don’t expect detailed answers; it’s more important for me to understand the candidate’s interest and outlook.

Questions about work habits

In addition to questions about technology knowledge, you may be asked about how you work, for example:

  • When code doesn’t work, what’s the first thing you do and how do you solve the problem?
  • How do you name variables and functions?
  • How do you explore new technologies and approaches? What are you reading?

My favorite type of questions is when they tell you about a project or task that the team is already working on or will be working on. Then they ask how you would make it and where you would start. Here it is important not just to tell what technologies you would use, but also to actively ask clarifying questions: “What is already ready? What are the deadlines? Is there a design?

You will definitely be asked: “How long would this task take you?” It’s important to remember, there is no right answer here. They don’t expect an exact answer from you, but they do expect an adequate one. An answer like “I can do it in a couple of hours” will show that you may be overestimating yourself.

Assignment: What will this code do?

A very popular type of task in interviews. You are shown slides with different code and asked to say what the function will output, what the variable will be equal to, and so on.


Companies like to give a small problem (the “Easy” level on LeetCode – like this one) to solve during the interview. Most often this is a small algorithm. For example, about working with strings or arrays.

The most important thing: do not rush to solve the problem, but first think a little. Ask the interviewer questions about the condition: what data may be here, what restrictions there are.

Think out loud. You are judged not only on whether you were able to solve a problem or not, but also on how you make decisions and perceive feedback.

How to prepare for such tasks?

Check out the “Easy” challenges on, or Don’t try to solve them all at once in one evening. Do it a little at a time—one or two tasks a day.

It may immediately seem to you that such tasks make no sense and you will not encounter them in your work. I advise you to think of them as an exam, which, if you pass, will put you in good company. It’s like getting into university: to achieve it, you need to follow the rules and pass exams that you won’t remember in the future.

Your questions

Always, absolutely always, have questions ready. Remember that you don’t Not only are you being interviewed, but you are also interviewing the company. You work here and spend at least a third of the day – ask everything that interests you.

You will definitely be asked: “What questions do you have for us?”

How not to answer: “None.” You may want to finish the interview quickly and go home, but the hard part is over, you just need to show interest and find out everything that worries you.

Which answer would you like: “What will I work on if you hire me?” Listen to the answer and ask clarifying questions. Find out about the team, how the work process works, whether there is a code review, whether someone will train you. Ask about the company’s plans: what projects are they launching? What difficulties and challenges are there now?

Don’t be shy to ask questions; they only expect you to be sincerely interested in the work.

General Tips

  • Don’t be late. It sounds obvious, but it can affect all further communication. Even if it’s a remote interview, be on the call in a couple of minutes. If you are late, be sure to notify us.
  • Please read the job description carefully. Look at the company’s product if it already has one. This will help prepare for possible questions and tasks regarding company projects.
  • Don’t be silent, even if you don’t know the answer to a question. You can simply safely say: “I don’t know, but I guess like this…” Even if you are wrong, that’s okay. You need to show your interest and desire to understand.
  • Don’t answer in too long sentences. In the middle of them, it can be easy to lose the meaning of what you want to say.
  • Brush up on the theory.
  • Comment on your decisions.
  • Ask questions.
  • Get a good night’s sleep the night before. Rest is much more useful than theory learned overnight.

After the interview

You have been invited to work

If successful, everything is simple: you discuss salary, start date and celebrate.

You were refused

In case of refusal, you need to remain calm. Yes, it’s offensive, but accept the refusal proudly and calmly. You should not write in response: “You are a so-so company, and your questions are stupid, in general, I just stopped by on my way to the store.” IT is a very small world and you never know who you will encounter in the future. Instead, ask for detailed feedback on what you need to work on. After all, you can always try to get a job at this company again in six months or a year.

If a company gives you feedback, handle it carefully. Find answers to questions and solve problems that you were unable to solve during the interview. Only by learning from your mistakes can you become a good developer.

Don’t be afraid to go to interviews. This is an important experience that helps you recognize your weaknesses and improve them. Besides, the worst thing that can happen is rejection, but is that really that bad?

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The School of Programming Unraveled Mon, 19 Jun 2023 12:01:41 +0000 Programming has undoubtedly become an indispensable skill in today’s digital age. But what does it entail? Fasten your seatbelts, as we’re about to embark on a thrilling journey through the School of Programming! Diving into the Basics Let’s start our adventure into the world of programming by understanding what it’s all about. Picture yourself as […]

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Programming has undoubtedly become an indispensable skill in today’s digital age. But what does it entail? Fasten your seatbelts, as we’re about to embark on a thrilling journey through the School of Programming!

Diving into the Basics

Let’s start our adventure into the world of programming by understanding what it’s all about. Picture yourself as an explorer about to uncover hidden treasures.

What is Programming?

Imagine a symphony. An orchestra plays seamlessly together. Programming is like composing that symphony, but instead of musical notes, you’re using code to instruct a computer to perform tasks. It’s the art of creating, testing, and maintaining the source code of computer programs.

The Importance of Learning Programming

Why should you bother learning to program? Well, it’s like learning a magic spell that can solve almost any problem. From building apps to analyzing data, programming gives you the power to make things happen!

Setting the Foundation

Just as building a house requires a sturdy foundation, diving into the world of programming demands a solid base of understanding and skills. Let’s break down what goes into setting the foundation in programming.

Choosing Your First Programming Language

Picking a language is like picking a superpower. What do you want to achieve?

Python, The All-rounder

Python is like a Swiss Army knife. It’s simple yet versatile, making it perfect for beginners. Whether you’re into data science, web development, or automation, Python has got you covered!

Java, The Industry Veteran

If Python is the Swiss Army knife, then Java is the hammer. It’s strong, reliable, and heavily used in enterprise-level applications. If you want to build robust systems, Java should be your weapon of choice.

Honing Your Skills

So, you’ve dipped your toes into the programming waters. But how do you go from paddling in the shallow end to swimming in the ocean of coding? It’s time to hone those skills, my friend!

Essential Tools for Programmers

Coding is just one part of programming. Like a chef needs more than just ingredients, you need the right tools. Learn about integrated development environments (IDEs), version control, and debugging.

Online Platforms and Resources

Wouldn’t it be cool if you had a mentor guiding you along? Well, you have a whole community! There are countless platforms like GitHub and Stack Overflow where programmers share and collaborate. It’s like a global playground!

Branching Out

In the world of programming, branching out refers to expanding your skills and interests beyond the basics. Picture yourself as a traveler standing at the crossroads of a giant, mystical land. Each path leads to a unique domain, rich with possibilities. The School of Programming is exactly that – a land filled with countless avenues to explore. Let’s dive into some exciting realms you can venture into.

Live Casinos and Programming

Believe it or not, programming extends to fun arenas like live casinos! They combine the thrill of real-life casinos with the convenience of online gaming. Programmers are the masterminds behind creating lifelike experiences. Pragmatic Play is one such vendor creating top-notch live casino content. It’s like having Las Vegas at your fingertips!

The Internet of Things (IoT)

Picture this: your coffee machine starts brewing the moment your alarm goes off. With IoT, everyday devices are connected to make your life easier, and programmers are the wizards behind this magic.

Securing Your Future

Alright folks, imagine standing at the crossroads of your career, with a magic wand in your hand. Pretty cool, right? Well, that magic wand is programming, and the School of Programming is your Hogwarts. From conjuring up powerful software to summoning data at your fingertips, this is the place that can make your dreams come true.

Career Opportunities in Programming

Programming is like a golden ticket to Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory. The world is your oyster! From software developer to data analyst, the opportunities are endless.

Continuous Learning

Remember, learning never stops. The tech world is ever-evolving, and you’ve got to keep up. Think of it like updating your magical spellbook.


The School of Programming is not just a set of courses; it’s a lifelong journey. From mastering the basics to keeping pace with innovations, programming empowers you to be a creator in the digital world. So, are you ready to turn your dreams into code?

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JS: Algorithms and Data Structures Wed, 11 May 2022 15:11:18 +0000 The track is aimed at learning basic data structures and algorithms. In practice, the project will apply various search methods, indexing, ranking, relevance metrics, build a reverse index.

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The track is aimed at learning basic data structures and algorithms. In practice, the project will apply various search methods, indexing, ranking, relevance metrics, build a reverse index.

Teach the essentials.

Theory, quizzes, practice in the simulator

  • Algorithm and Data Structure Fundamentals
  • Sort Algorithms
  • Data Structures
  • Binary Search
  • Greedy Algorithms

Final Project
Search Engine

Who the training is suitable for

  • Those who already program and want to improve their skills
  • Those who are not familiar with the subject and want to understand it on a good level

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DevOps for programmers Wed, 11 May 2022 15:05:45 +0000 Package the application in Docker and connect continuous integration on Github Actions. Automate deployment with Ansible.

The post DevOps for programmers appeared first on Cpanforum.

Package the application in Docker and connect continuous integration on Github Actions. Automate deployment with Ansible. Deploy cloud infrastructure (Digital Ocean, AWS, Yandex Cloud, etc.) through Terraform. Set up monitoring, logging, and error collection.

Teach the essentials.

  1. Automate the environment.
    Automate the deployment and configuration of the application on the local machine. Learn how to properly manage configuration and secret keys. Learn the basic principles of creating easy-to-use and scalable applications. Pack your application into Docker, run any stack with a single command via Docker Compose. Set up continuous integration.

What to learn: approaches, libraries, features

  • Infrastructure as code
  • Isolating the environment with Vagrant
  • Local Environment Automation (Ansible)
  • Managing secrets and variables (Ansible Vault)
  • Introduction to Docker
  • Immutable Infrastructure
  • Automating project builds (Docker Compose)
  • Continuous integration (Github Actions)
  • Docker Registry Hub
  • Dotfiles
  1. Deploy & Operate
    Deploy your application with one button to any number of machines at once. Learn how to correctly build a failover cluster and smoothly update it without downtime. Plug in logging and monitoring to quickly respond to problems. Track errors through the collectors and fix them before customers tell you about them.
  2. Infrastructure Management
    Deploy a cloud cluster on Digital Ocean or Yandex Cloud. Automate this process with Terraform. Configure and update the cluster machines with ready-to-use Ansible Playbook. Learn the most important components of cloud infrastructure (DNS, DB, Storage) and learn how to work with them. Learn how to properly protect your infrastructure from potential threats.

Who is the training suitable for?

  • Those who already program and want to increase their professional level.
  • Those who have already tried to learn by themselves, but feel the need for a mentor.
  • Those who are unfamiliar with the subject and want to get a good grasp of it
  • Toto teaches students

The format is

Group training with students and a mentor. The program consists of several modules. Each module includes theory in video lecture format, homework assignments, and a project at the end of each module to reinforce what you have learned. Projects are saved in a profile on GitHub and become part of the student portfolio.

During the training, the mentor answers questions, checks the homework, does code reviews of the projects, and holds events that complement the curriculum: live webinars, Q&A sessions, and livecoding

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Web application layout Wed, 11 May 2022 14:59:13 +0000 Learn HTML, CSS and modern modules for element positioning: Flex, Grid, Columns. Learn how to deploy an environment that will help you markup and write CSS styles.

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Learn HTML, CSS and modern modules for element positioning: Flex, Grid, Columns. Learn how to deploy an environment that will help you markup and write CSS styles.

Learn the essentials

  • Fundamentals of Content Layout and Positioning
  • Learn the basics of HTML and CSS. Get to know the capabilities of markup and learn how to correctly place data on a page using basic positioning tools. Set up your first working environment.

What we learn: approaches, libraries, features

  • Basic document structure
  • Layout of different element types
  • Styling of elements using CSS
  • Principles of Organizing CSS Code
  • Positioning with the position property
  • Using modern tools for desktop publishing (code editors, plugins)
  • Debugging code using DevTools
  • Basic configuration of the desktop environment (node, npm, stylelint, htmlhint, surge)
  1. Advanced element positioning and adaptivity
    Explore the possibilities of positioning elements with the three basic CSS modules: Columns, Flex, and Grid. Learn how to select the best tool based on your needs. Learn how to adapt your page to different devices.

Who the training is right for

  • Those who want to change the stack
  • Those who have already tried to learn on their own, but feel the need for a tutor
  • People who are unfamiliar with the topic and want to get a good grasp of it

Group training with students and a mentor. The program consists of several modules. Each module includes theory in video lecture format, homework assignments, and a project at the end of each module to reinforce what you have learned. Projects are saved in a profile on GitHub and become part of the student portfolio.

During the training, the mentor answers questions, checks the homework, does code reviews of the projects, and holds events that complement the curriculum: live webinars, Q&A sessions, and livecoding

The post Web application layout appeared first on Cpanforum.
